detox manifesto

Masta Joyner
1 min readDec 6, 2021


concerns that I have about the internet is that it has so many people on it that can really destroy your life and also believe it or not you can destroy your life as well just from a single post you made when you were a little and uneducated kid. so many people are affected by their actions from their early childhood days and it follows you your entire life.

Yes, playing football is very important to me and my family and that brings on a lot of stress every day to perform and do great not only for myself but for my family and the community around back home. also, the fact that I'm the only person in my family to go to a high football program and get my education is something that is very stressful when you think of it but when we talk about taking it one day at a time.

What we have done mostly me as I said before is life at the moment and really take every day slowly and the fact that you can really go somewhere and talk about your problems is something that I have been really privileged to do so.

so many athletes have cut off social media to eliminate the edetrasctions. so many athletes get criticized and it affects them mentally and emotionally and it's something that should be done so they can focus and not get distracted.



Masta Joyner

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”