Digital natives

Masta Joyner
2 min readSep 27, 2021


when we talk about digital natives we talk about the first word associated with is a witch is digital, and in its case, we are talking about technology, and when we talk about that it says Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices, and resources that are generated. The second part of the word is natives which are the people that created it or the people using it. Digital natives are people that grow up with technology and which are familiar with the technology presented as they grow up. The article talks about how people are digital natives because they are growing up in a society full of technology. “What should we call these “new” students of today? Some refer to them as the N–[for Net]–gen or D–[for digital]–gen. But the most useful designation I have found for them is Digital Natives. Our students today are all “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games, and the Internet.” This shows you that technology is expanding young adults learning in so many ways and some believe it and some don't according to the article.

I do think the assumptions of young people are highly adept with technology because we go back to the word digital natives I can't sit here and say that kids will be highly adept with technology but knowing the basic concepts of complex technology and what I mean by complex technology is maybe logging on a laptop and if you give an iPhone to someone that's maybe not that comfortable with Technogym like your mom or grandmother, so I do believe in those assumptions because so many kids nowadays in school use technology more than ever and they are changing that I feel like due to the students because they are so familiar with it.

I am a digital native because growing up I always had the technology and that for me started in school when we were learning our ABCs on the computers and it would be simple in that part for us to just see color and click it. I feel that right there so so little in development in technology but its learning the basic concept of the technology that so many people wish they had growing up because its a lot more stress-free instead of learning on your own and it'll show different questions even now when we look at technology and when u get a question wrong your able to see what you did wrong take notes and fix it. It o less complex in the learning world and I feel kids do have an advantage being a digital native.



Masta Joyner

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”