Final reflection

Masta Joyner
1 min readDec 13, 2021


There were so many interesting things that I came away with from the Rheingold and that's relevant today. when it talks about digital literacies it talks about how it can make the differences between being empowered or manipulated so many people get on the internet to create a brand or become interested in wanting to create a platform for themselves to take pictures and everything but you can also be empowered and become manipulated by the fame you get.

Something that stuck out to me the most was understanding the value of you and how much your words affect others and how people can really bully you off the internet if you let them in your skin and into your mind. So many people do that for a living to trash your pictures and make them happy so a simple block button helps a lot.

When this course ends I want to be able to continue to educate others that the internet is not all you can use to brand your self you easy to go to Walmart and hand out flyers and something like that not always the internet.



Masta Joyner

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”