Online Gaming helping kids

Masta Joyner
2 min readNov 22, 2021


We can foster safer ways and responsible use of online games by not allowing yourself to be in a game too much. So many users put the wrong information in the systems and they are very smart doing so but some put their real name or sometimes put some important information that could be very dangerous. As a person that always plays the game, I can't play it for a long time because my head would start hurting but when you train your body to continue to play the game for hours it will affect your sleep your body, and most importantly your health. The article says that “There are brain-imaging studies of the effects of screen time, he says. And he also has treated many teens who are so wrapped up in video games that they don’t even get up to use the bathroom.” This is a major problem because it shows how much you can be addicted to a video game. How can children learn from video games the article that I was reading some of the things that teachers had that children can learn while playing video was playing Minecraft it says that they can learn to work together and collaborate on projects with classmates, they can learn content and curriculum guides across subject and another one was playing in a secure environment. I also agree that video games can help kids learn. Playing a multiplication game on the computer and playing with my classmates and seeing who can come in first place increased my learning every day playing little games like that.

One tip that I would like parents/teachers to let their children know is to not give away your address, some games tell you to do so and that is very dangerous because you can’t trust all sites when it comes to gaming online. The second tip I would say is just like the article said to limit the amount of time on the game because it can cause so many problems. An example is a sleep and sleeping is very important. The last tip I would say is to allow your kids to explore the outdoors and allow them to not be tempted to be on the screens.

An online game that I would say can help me in real life and is also very fun to play is Madden because becoming an NFL player playing madden has taught me so much about growing up in my life. Madden has so many tutorial videos in it to show the coverages and how to attack them or another example is how to tackle. Growing up taught me and changed my understanding of football. It grew my knowledge because sometimes every coach doesn't tell you everything about the game and it taught me so much from the basics.



Masta Joyner

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”