
Masta Joyner
2 min readNov 15, 2021


Two important things that I have learned and gained insight from from the readings is that most importantly when we talk about individuals being able to have their own value when talking to others and being able to have a say. So many people have so much hate toward others and that could be because of jealousy and more because one may have a better something ing than them in the article is says ‘Hate, anxiety, and anger drive participation,’ which equals profits and power, so online social platforms and mainstream media support and even promote uncivil acts. This shows that money power ego is so important to people and that it can change you as a person if you have so much of it. And simple followers on social media can do that to people. “Trolling often started with a message that was intentionally incorrect, but not overly controversial. By contrast, internet “flaming” described online behaviour with hostile intentions, characterised by profanity, obscenity, and insults that inflict harm to a person or an organisation.” This is very interesting because it shows the true meaning of someone’s intentions in doing the act and so many people have so many private accounts that they would put anything because its not exposing them but its mainly to expose you.

I have experienced online trolling on my twitter and it’s something that does not affect me as an individual because online trolling is like someone trying to get into your head and if you let them do that then you have made them happy. I think the best wa to handle it was exactly what i did and ignore it because so many people have nothing to lose and being an athlete at the university of minnesota i get judged everyday for just being me and being here so definitely something that u would not let them do which is get in my head.

I think the ability to not be able to add any profile pictures on your profile is something that’s enabling people to do it because they have no identity and they can’t be exposed even if you try and look them up. Instagram has really improved with the aspdects of trollers because people that you never messaged before they dont even shw up on your main messages page which is very great when looking at your profile because you don have to worry about them messaging all the time



Masta Joyner

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”